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ZMS Products in Victoria and Duncan
Visit Russell’s Farm, Old Farm Market, Great Greens, or the Red Barn Markets to pick up ZMS Sun Kissed Products, “Pie That Flies Kitchen Hits!” and more! Also, try our Mixed Kale in a juice or salad at Glow Juicery in Duncan! Powered by Kale!
Mbira Spirit
Mbira Spirit gives Country Classics, Gospel, Blues, Reggae, some Giddy-Up with their fantastic harmonies, vibrant dancing and joyful presence! Mbira Spirit’s high energy performance and African influence is energizing audiences around Vancouver Island. See their latest official music video, “I Saw The Light”, on the videos page!
Tafadzwa and Amy Matamba are a unique and dynamic duo that represent Mbira Spirit. Tafadzwa and Amy bring the most distinguished rhythms and harmonies of Zimbabwe to North America’s all time favourites and in so many genres! Together they blend their cultures and musical experiences to create a most magical and special performance that has audiences of all ages clapping, dancing, and embracing the message of peace, love and harmony.
Mbira Spirit has been well received by communities all over Vancouver Island, actively bringing their vibrant Classics to seniors, students, community events, schools, music venues, and much more! With many new followers and a new momentum building for Mbira Spirit’s new sound and unique performance, they are a fantastic addition to any event, festival or concert venue for all ages!
Mbira Spirit’s music, message and presence is inspiring, and brings hope and joy to all who are present! Booking Mbira Spirit makes a difference! Check the event page to see their upcoming concerts and tours.
If we build it… they will come!
ZMS is accepting Donations and Aeroplan miles to support building necessary accommodations and to drill water wells in Maumbe, Zimbabwe to host a team of 15 Cowichan Valley Optometrists. They will give eye care to 1000 people and custom make glasses for those in need! This will be the first medical care this area has seen and the beginning of many more. Scroll down to Donate Today and make a difference from one community to another! Visit our Store page and purchase a download of Mbira Spirit’s latest music, Tafadzwa’s book or photographs, Amy’s cookbook, various kale products and more! All supporting the Zimbabwe Music Society.
Amy and Tafadzwa Matamba are Performing Artists, Educators, Inclusive Leaders and Cultural Ambassadors who live and work on Vancouver Island, British Columbia, Canada, and in Zimbabwe, Africa. Together they promote local arts and culture, help to preserve traditions and heritage, and serve local and sister communities in order to better lives and make a difference.
Zimbabwe Music Society
The purpose of the Zimbabwe Music Society is to promote arts and culture and preserve the traditions and heritage of Vancouver Island and Zimbabwe to better lives and make a difference. The society will also support education, scholarships, cultural exchanges, medical support, soccer academy, drilling wells, agriculture and sustainable living. These purposes will be promoted through participation in community events, social media, website, and working with community partners.
Find out how you can participate in the Zimbabwe Music Society.
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